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Image by Liam Shaw

Meeting Minutes

Image by Liam Shaw


Worship Team Meeting 10/06/2024
Present: Alex, Lyndsey, Anna, Rachael Orrell, Amy, Catherine, Des, Steve, Lydia, Sarah,
Apologies: Jen, Dan
Alex - Reminding us of the 4 steps to worship from last meeting. ‘Call to Worship’
and ‘Declaration’: Most all-age songs fit here at the moment.
Rachael Orrell – Thank you for all you do in the worship. She worked in Spring
Harvest Leadership team to be responsibile for children, youth, all-age. Wanted to
bring separate ages together in a celebration at the start of each day. “Good Morning
Big Top” was born with all-age worship at the start of the day when the theme of the
day was introduced. One week in church recently, Rachael noticed a group of
children having difficulty engaging in the worship after the all-age action song had
finished. The key was simple lyrics and upbeat music. Choose the first three songs
carefully to try and engage everyone. Powerful Songs, with simple lyrics are good.
She wants to encourage us on our journey to worship altogether.

Des/Amy/Catherine Worship for everyone Conference Feedback
Some key points, elevating children while engaging adults; faith isn’t just passed
down, but also passed around. Looking to focus this in our unite group (Unite 2). Not
all all-age songs need to have actions but also simple words they can pick up easily.
Framing and explaining things to children during the worship. Why we put our hands
up, What the phrase ‘Set your chuch on fire” means. Explaining it and framing
throughout the service is important.
Can the children see the screens for words? Can they see the action on stage if
they are at the back of the hall?Children should feel they belong in their group and in
the main church.
We need to be patient in this as we don’t want to rush and “birth an Ishmael.”
In order for people to catch a vision, we need to keep repeating the vision of all-age
worship. Important to remember that it is for everyone, not at the expense of adults.
We need to encourage a shift in culture: adults to want to do actions as well as
teaching children about the importance of the older hymn for older people in the
Think about tone when leading to explain things such as: why we raise our hands or
meaning of phrases. A good tone to explain it is imagining it is to a non-christian. It
could sound condescending to adults if the talk is aimed at children. These links can
be prepared in advance – responsibility can be passed to others in team as well.

There is still some division between the “action song” and the rest of the worship
songs at the start. It has been lovely when there have been more than one action
song - perhaps by thinking more about making it two songs and/or songs with more
simple words, would help this.
Other business

Alex – Communion – will be happening more in Unite groups. Greg is considering it
more regularly in main service.

Alex & Lyndsey / Sarah & Mike want to start doing worship with the children in
explosion about once a month to encourage them to engage more in worship also.

Next Meeting - August 31 st proposed date for a Worship Team social

Image by Liam Shaw


Worship Team Meeting 15/04/2024

Present: Alex, Lyndsey, Amy, Catherine, Steve, Lydia, Dan, Anna, Des
Apologies: Sarah, Mike, Jen
Alex: Shares his heart for worship – the power of music in our worship. Worship can change people’s lives and
should be centered on God’s word.
Steve: shares that his experience at Chawn has depth it’s not ‘miles wide and only an inch deep.”
Alex: Explains his background of getting into worship, his journey on how he has had to re-learn worship, and
how God has dealt with pride. His main heart is worship in small groups. God wants us to “catch the wind”,
following God’s heart and not manufacturing anything.
Steps to Worship – Guide to song set choice:
1. First song: Call to Worship
2. Song 2: declaration song
3. Song 3: Intimacy
4. Song 4: Response
“Catching the wind” is easier in Intimacy and Response song. One technique is also for the worship leader to
repeat a line and sing it out – we already do lots of these.
Points: How can the all age songs fit into this? Shall we look at where the songs we know fit in? All age songs
can be either 1st or 2nd.
Suggestion of a spreadsheet or other system to catagorise the songs we do into each area to help with selecting
John 4: Woman at the well “but the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in
spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshipers.” Context: the Samaritans were worshiping in
spirit and the Jews in truth, but God wants us to do both.
Encouragement to read the bible.
Check ourselves against God – beware or pride and/or the enemy
Anna: Communion as more of a part of worship – a response during worship. It has spiritual depth and a
balance is needed to make it accessible without losing its deep meaning. Alex to speak to Greg about this.
Amy proposal for a 2 months rota – suggestions for more of a week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 team then
responsibility lies with individuals to organise a swap – this seems more suitable with Unite groups.
Do we need to do reminders? Church Suite has automatic reminders. Or just a message in the chat? Amy to
ask the office about possibility of using Church Suite.
People who can put songs onto OnSong? Alex can. Does it work for us? Song Select?
Team meetings? How often? Best night? Every 2 months. Monday June 17th for next meeting
Social nights for Worship team as well as business.
Youth event 27th June would like some worship and request for volunteers to be involved.

Image by Rachel Coyne
Call to Worship | Declaration | Intimacy | Response
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